Dafydd Dabson - Daw Golau i'r Dyffryn (solo organ)
Note by the composer:
The idea behind ‘Daw Golau i’r Dyffryn’ is that it represents two sides of Merthyr – the industrial, the mines and ironworks that the town grew around; and the organic, the people who lived and worked there. My first musical idea for the piece was the simple melody that it begins with, its repetitive nature and joyful rhythm giving it a folky feel. I then thought about developing this idea and bringing it back in different ways as the piece continues – representing how Merthyr’s population has evolved over time. As the piece progresses there are two ideas I used to convey industry – an alternating semitone pattern similar to a siren, and a repeated major 3rd that sounds almost like a car alarm which fights relentlessly against the established pulse of the piece. The way these ideas interact, sometimes subtly and sometimes abrasively, sometimes working together and sometimes against each other, was my main inspiration while writing. The tension between these two elements, and how people adapt to technological development with the upheaval those changes can bring, is a part of Merthyr’s history that I found really interesting so it’s something I was keen to convey in my piece.
Daw Golau i’r Dyffryn by Dafydd Dabson was first performed on 21st May 2023 by James McVinnie.